Rules for Awards

Dr. Subimal Roy Award for Best Published Paper in Neuropathology

The Neuropathology Society of India (NPSI) has established a prestigious award in honor of the late Prof. Subimal Roy, recognizing the best-published research in the field of neuropathology.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Open to all NPSI members under 45 years of age as of 28th February 2025 (age proof required).
  • The research work must have been carried out in India.
  • The research must have been published within the last two years (as of 28th February 2025).
  • The research must not have received any other award.
  • The contestant must be the first author of the publication and a member of NPSI.

Submission Requirements:

Applicants are required to submit the following documents in support of their candidature:

  1. Biodata.
  2. A cover letter indicating the NPSI membership number.
  3. A certificate from all co-authors confirming their support for the principal author’s candidature, stating that the research work was conducted in India and has not received any other award.
  4. If the applicant is a postgraduate or senior resident, a letter from the Head of Department/Dean should confirm the applicant’s eligibility for the award.
  5. The PDF format of the published paper should be submitted to the Secretary of NPSI.
  6. The last date for submission is 30th November 2024.
  7. The complete application should be submitted to with a cc to

Presentation Details:

Presenters will have 8 minutes for their presentation, followed by a 2-minute Q&A session.

NPSI Young Investigator Award

This award is instituted by the Neuropathology Society of India (NPSI) for the best paper presented during the Annual Conference of NPSI. It is open to all NPSI members who meet the following criteria:


  • The applicant must be under 40 years of age as of 28th February 2025.
  • The research work must have been carried out in India.
  • The principal author must be the first author and the presenting author. A statement from co-authors (if any) must support the applicant’s candidature for the award.

Submission Requirements:

  1. Applicants should submit a full-length paper in the form of a manuscript, in PDF format, with images embedded.
  2. At the time of abstract submission, it should be clearly mentioned if the submission is for award consideration.
  3. A certificate from all co-authors (if any), which:
    • Supports the candidature of the principal author.
    • Certifies that the research work was conducted in India.
    • Certifies that the work has not received any other award.
    • Certifies that the work has not been published in any journal.
  4. Proof of age.
  5. A cover letter indicating the NPSI membership number.
  6. A letter from the Head of Department/Dean confirming the applicant’s eligibility for the award, in the case of postgraduate students or senior residents.
  7. The last date for submission is 30th November 2024.
  8. The complete application should be submitted to with a cc to

Presentation Details:

Presenters will have 8 minutes for their presentation, followed by a 2-minute Q&A session.

NPSI Resident Award

The Neuropathology Society of India (NPSI) has instituted the Resident Award to recognize outstanding research work in the field of neuropathology. This award aims to encourage pathology/neuropathology residents to undertake advanced research in the field.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • The applicant must be under 35 years of age as of 1st January of the conference year (age proof required).
  • The applicant must be a student pursuing MD/DM/DNB or PDF/PDCC in Pathology/Neuropathology/Histopathology/Oncopathology, or a senior resident.
  • The research work must be related to neuropathology and must have been carried out in India.
  • The research should be unpublished. If the paper is accepted for publication before the presentation, the applicant must inform the organizers, and the paper will be withdrawn from the contest.
  • The work must not have received any prior awards.

Submission Requirements:

The candidate must submit the following documents:

  1. Form A: A summary of the work (maximum 1000 words), covering:
    • Title
    • Background and Rationale of the Study
    • Aims and Objectives
    • Materials and Methods
    • Results
    • Conclusions
    • Supporting Images and Tables (maximum 2, separate from the 1000-word text)

    Note: Form A must not contain any identifying information, such as the institute's emblem, name of authors, or the site of work.

  2. Form B: The presenting author’s details, including:
    • Name
    • Age (with proof)
    • Address
    • Affiliation
    • Current place of work and designation
    • Email ID and phone number
    • NPSI membership number and year of application
    • Title of the paper and a list of authors' affiliations and signatures
    • Certificate from the senior author confirming that the work was carried out in India, the applicant is the major contributor, and the work has not received any prior awards
    • Certificate from the Head of Department/Dean confirming residency status during the period of work
  3. Verification of date of birth (via a government-issued ID, such as Aadhaar card, passport, or driving license).
  4. HOD/Dean’s certificate confirming that the applicant is a student/resident.

Submission Format:

  • Form A should be submitted as a PDF titled: Form A_NPSI resident award.
  • Form B along with the supporting documents should be submitted as a single PDF titled: Form B_NPSI resident award.


Presentation Requirements:

  • Shortlisted candidates will give an 8-minute presentation followed by 2 minutes for discussion at the NPSI conference.
  • The presentation must cover the key findings and insights from their research.
  • Affiliation must not be displayed during the presentation, and the presentation must be made in person by the applicant. Any display of affiliation or exceeding the time limit will result in negative marking or disqualification.

Oral Paper and Poster Prizes (By Conference Organizers)

The National Conference Organizers are pleased to invite submissions for Oral Paper and Poster Awards to recognize outstanding research presentations. These awards are open to all participants, including non-members of the Neuropathology Society of India (NPSI).


  • The Oral Paper and Poster Awards are open to all conference participants, including non-members of NPSI.
  • The research work must be related to neuropathology or associated fields and conducted in India or internationally.

Submission Requirements:

  1. Complete abstract with the Title, Names, and Affiliations of authors and co-authors. The name of the presenting author must be highlighted in BOLD and underlined.
  2. The file name should be formatted as: YourName_Abstract_Institution (e.g., Abhishek_Abstract_AIIMS).
  3. The last date for abstract submission is 30th November 2024.
  4. The body of the abstract should not exceed 250 words.
  5. The abstract must follow the structure: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, and Conclusion.
  6. For case reports, the abstract should follow the headings: Introduction, Case Report, and Conclusion.
  7. The last date for abstract submission is 30th November 2024.

Presentation Format:

  • Oral Presentations: 8 minutes for presentation followed by a 2-minute Q&A session.
  • Poster Presentations: Posters will be displayed during the designated poster session of the conference, with presenters available for interactive discussions with the judges and attendees.

Selection Criteria:

  • Submissions will be evaluated based on the quality of research, clarity of presentation, and overall contribution to the field.
  • Judges appointed by the conference organizers will review and score each submission.
  • Non-members are eligible for these awards and will be judged equally with members.